Media Blog Reflection
Media Blog Reflection
Before I started doing media blogs, I wasn't very aware of what was on the media. Since I wasn't very in to social media, I didn't have Snapchat or Instagram on my phone. Because of my lack of exposure to the media, I felt like I was disconnected from the world around me. Being separated from my surroundings made it hard for me to join political or even normal conversations.
However, it all changed after I was exposed to the media. The feeling of ignorance went away when I was exposed to it and when I started being aware of what I was consuming. When I see a commercial now, I see what the company is trying to do by analyzing every frame of the video. I can see them using different types of technique such as the bandwagon fallacy and the need for affiliation. Because of this ability, It's harder for companies to fool me into buying their products.
What I think the media needs to improve on is how they portray women and minorities. After doing all of my media blogs, I've realized that women and minorities that are presented in the media are usually misinterpreted. These companies presents their stereotypes to the public, which everyone starts believing. These people are usually controlled by these companies and don't really have a say in anything. I think the media should give more power to these specific groups of people as well as erasing the stereotypes that have negatively affected these peoples' images.
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